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Grand Story of Christmas

Stockings adorn the fireplace,

Magic fills the air.

As grandpa tells the story,

about a Christmas he wants to share.

He remembers as a child,

waiting on Christmas morn.

When his mother reminded,

the joy is our Savior born.

See God sent his begotten son,

to be King of all nations.

For rich or for poor,

no matter your station.

This sinless Christ child,

would bear all of our sins.

He was sent to be,

our ultimate friend.

He is always with us,

in good times and bad.

He understands us completely,

I’d just like to add.

So Christmas toys are great,

the dinner is sweet.

Yet they pale in comparison,

to this miraculous feat.

Knowing God loves us,

all of our days.

Brings joy to my soul,

sets my heart ablaze.

So as you set forth,

please remember the reason.

Christ is our king,

through every season.

Sing a gorgeous song,

and chime all the bells.

For Christmas is the grand story,

that we should all tell!

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