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Faith is a journey,

vast as the ocean wide

with fabulous discoveries

for what is held inside

The closer I adventure with my God

the more beauty I embrace

Though sometimes reaching out is difficult

when I haven’t seen His face

Nevertheless His love continues

despite the error of my ways

I’ll keep walking past any doubt

for it is just a phase

Deep down in my heart I simply know

that He loves me so

Deep down in my heart I simply know

on this journey I must grow

So I discard sin

Rededicate my life

Fight the battle with Satan

Overcome waves of strife

I am far from perfect

Yet you love me anyway

I choose the foundation of your word

and bow my head to pray

Father forgive all my sin

Give me strength from above

Show me your grace and mercy

and the beauty of your love

For I am your precious child

doing the best I can

Walking closely with your Word

guided by your hand

The journey may not be easy

yet it is well worth the ride

Teach me perseverance

and how to take it all in stride

Tomorrow is a new day

I’m prepared for what’s in store

Thank you for being my God

I love you forevermore!

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