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"Keeping Christmas In Our Hearts" ~ 2017


Cookies and milk are set out just right,

For Santa arrives on this special night.

Precious little ones are tucked into bed,

Preparing for the grand night that lies just ahead.

As I kiss each forehead I let out a sigh,

As I fondly recall the look in their eyes.

For long ago my sweet mother tucked me in just the same,

As I awaited Christmas morning with patience untamed.

Though something inside me sparked a new delight,

For my knowledge now has magnificent insight.

The meaning of Christmas has matured with me through the years,

It is now so immensely profound my eyes fill with tears.

Of course the presents and food are such special treats,

Yet it’s fond precious memories that just can’t be beat.​

Let’s remember, Jesus was born on this holy day,

Together, we bow our heads and all pray.

Our Lord and Savior died on the cross,

For all of our sins now forgiven and are washed.


Inside of our hearts is where He resides,

Within each of us if we let Him serve as our guide.

He leads us on our journeys as we move forward each day,

Loving us so tenderly every step of the way.

Encouraging our strength comforting our tears,

Providing healing and wisdom all through our years.

Showing us compassion picking us up when we fall,

Showing us sunshine and roses when we feel less than small.

For each of us is significant in our own divine right,

We have beauty to give when we brighten our light.

The love within our hearts should be magnified beyond measure,

For in this life there is no greater treasure.

Tell someone you love them and show them you care,

Give of yourself --- please won’t you dare.

When someone crosses your path who might be distraught,

Reach out your hand with courage share a special thought.

Should someone pass by filled with anger and rage,

Simply step aside and remember to pray.

We don’t know their journey or what makes them mad,

We don’t know their struggles or why they are so dreadfully sad.

Love is the key that can heal our world true,

It begins in an instance --- it begins with our view.

Let’s take each and every day and simply do our part,

Share love with the world by ... Keeping Christmas In Our Hearts!EndFragment



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