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Little Girl Praying


Please... Remember

Pray for Everyone  -  across the World!

2024 --- Pray for... Virus, Earthquake,

Fire & Flood, Snow Storms, Hurricane,

and so many Tornado Survivors!



2023-2024  Several 'requests' for Health Issues - Flu throughout USA and Global. 

Please Pray for quick recovery and diseases to be DESTROYED.


Jane - 73 - Income - Health-Heart Surgery, Radiation Treatments-Side Effects March 2024 Need Prayer for complete Healing, Health Issues in her Family; Salvation for adult children 2024

Martha - 75 STILL Need Income! Praising the Lord for a new home new JOB and healing heart breankd

due to Husband's passing 3-23-2024.

Randy and Amanda ITH - Business continue to do well.

Tarina - New Job - Has great opportunities - Health issues her children, need healing.

Unspoken/Spoken Prayers for those we don't know their names!


Pray for families and friend's griefs due to the loss of life, in accidents, illnesses, and other means,

all across the world, Need for Salvation! And Deliverance from sin!  War in Countries around the world.


Please Jesus... continue to protect your Children, and many more with so many 'unspoken' requests ...  Pray for our Gov & State Leaders!


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