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Polly's Amazing Adventures
Books - Collection #1 
Hello:  Parents you will find the entire

Collection of  "Polly's Amazing Adventures !"
Please enjoy them.  We are honored as you purchase more
Stories and Coloring Books for your children.  Thank you. Blessings.

Featuring:  "Polly Goes to the Farm !"
Polly's Amazing Adventures
Collection #1 
Go to for more Story Books & Coloring Books
from Polly's Amazing Adventures Collection #1
* * *
"Polly Goes to the Birthday Party !"
"Polly Goes to the Fun Fair !"
" Polly Goes on a Road Trip !"
" Polly Goes to Tennessee !"
" Polly Goes to the Farm !"

and much more... Collection #2 & #3 coming Summer 2023
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